Ardene Job

So you want a job at Ardene.
Here is the place where I'll tell you what to expect. Now lets save some trouble.

  • Do not hand in your resumes in person. It does not happen like that anymore.
  • You go to, scroll down to careers
  • Make an account
  • You can apply to Manager, assistant manager, third key holder, sales associates. You can click to see where you have submited to.
  • There's also this litte area that says 'scheduled interview' but that never fills in so you dont have to check.
  • The manager will call you.
I got two interviews like that. One where that manager never calls back and the other one I'm still waiting to hear from update you later.
                       Interview Questions

  • What do you think a sales associate do?
  • Tell me 2 times where you have problems with a customer?
  • How do you handle a dificult customer?
  • What is your weakness?
  • What do you think an employee can improve on?
  • Tell me a time that was surprising at your last work place.
  • How long would you be staying at Ardenes?
  • If you had to choose between satisfying a customer or following the store rules which would it be?
  • Do you have any concerns with the store?
Those were the key one that I remember the manager asking so be prepared! ;D