Your full name should be in 14 font the rest are in 11 font calibri or 12 font times new roman. What ever you want. As long as the font is professional and not cursive! Make sure you know the job title of you reference. Example: superviser, owner, co-worker ( NEVER SAY 'BOSS')
Your Full Name
88 Imaginary Street Toronto, Ontario Postal Code
(416) 555-5548
Job Title
Company/Store Name
(647) 555-8734
e-mail (Optional)
Job Title
Company/Store Name
(647) 555-8734
e-mail (Optional)
Job Title
Company/Store Name
(555) 555-5555
e-mail (Optional)
Job Title
Company/Store Name
(555) 555-5555
e-mail (Optional)
Job Title
Compay/Store Name
(555) 555-5555
e-mail (Optional)
Job Title
Compay/Store Name
(555) 555-5555
e-mail (Optional)
Job Title
Company/ Store Name
(555) 555-5555
e-mail (Optional)
e-mail (optional) You can add how many you want. Make sure you ask for permission and make sure they say nice things about you. Don't reference a boss that has fired you, unless they did it on good terms. No. Wait. Don't list them!